موسسه تحقیق و توسعه اقتصادی آیریا

Psychology and Counseling

Occupational Psychology in Organizations: Enhancing Productivity Through Understanding Behavior and Mental Well-being

Every job, like a unique work of art, possesses its own distinct personality and essence. By creating a psychological profile for each job, we delve into its underlying characteristics and gain a profound understanding of its psychological demands. This profile serves as a precise and scientific roadmap, outlining the skills, abilities, and personality traits required to ensure job satisfaction and optimal performance.

Developing this profile is akin to crafting a dynamic masterpiece. Utilizing a wide range of psychometric tools and data analysis methods—from personality assessments to structured interviews—we construct a clear and comprehensive depiction of each job. These tools, much like the brushstrokes of a skilled artist, enable us to penetrate the depths of occupational psychology and fully grasp its requirements. By addressing these needs, we can not only select the most suitable candidates for each role but also foster a healthy, dynamic, and fulfilling work environment
