The specialized Nutrition and Health Team begins by evaluating individuals based on predefined general health and nutrition indicators through necessary tests and assessments. Following this, in addition to creating a personalized profile by recording scores for the evaluated indicators, a specialized nutrition plan is provided to the individual. The Five-Dimensional Human Project thoroughly examines and analyzes the impact of nutrition on various aspects of productivity, including physical performance, mental well-being, and cognitive brain functions.
When individuals visit the institution with a specific career goal, the nutrition team, after receiving general job descriptions from the skill assessment team, simultaneously studies the job personality. This includes identifying the job’s nutritional requirements, such as carbohydrates, sugars, fats, calories, etc., while incorporating results from various tests, examinations, and clinical interviews conducted by other teams. Based on this data, the team designs a targeted nutrition program to enhance productivity in alignment with the individual’s goals.
During the recognition or improvement phase, a Nutrition Profile is also provided to the individual.